Check out the latest news from BitApps Group

Les dernières actualités du groupe BitApps

BitApps App Satellite Monitoring Fieldwork Management Satellite Data Vitality Map Land Property Management
We make satellite-based data available to everyone


BitApps App

We make satellite-based data available to everyone

Presenting new business opportunities at Web Summit 2024.

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An Overview Inside the BitApps Platform


Satellite Monitoring Fieldwork Management App

An Overview Inside the BitApps Platform

Our commitment is to furnish companies with the most up-to-date spatial data for effective land property management, and to ensure...

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Loss of vitality in German forests by municipalities


Satellite Data Vitality Map Land Property Management

Loss of vitality in German forests by municipalities

We have taken a close look at the loss of vitality in German forests and prepared the results compactly and clearly in the form of an inte...

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Satellite data in land use


Satellite Data

Satellite data in land use

Remote sensing has provided access to an immense wealth of information in land use. This data has significantly enhanced our under...

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The birth of WoodsApp



The birth of WoodsApp

It has been eight months since BitApps Group was separated from Bitcomp and moved the focus to products only. After nine months of...

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